SIBAGO | Prior communication (with deadline)

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Prior communication (with deadline)

Prior Communication and its Procedure

Prior communication with a deadline is the mandatory registration procedure for local accommodation establishments and must be carried out before they start operating.

The registration of local accommodation establishments is carried out by means of prior communication with a deadline at the “Balcão Único Eletrónico (balcão do empreendedor)”, which gives each request the registration number of the local accommodation establishment, in case there is no opposition by the competent municipal authority (within 10 days or, in the case of the hostel, 20 days).


Reasons for Refusal

The grounds for opposition are as follows:

a) Incorrect instruction of prior notice with deadline;

b) Violation of defined restrictions, in the case of a containment area previously identified by the chamber, or temporary prohibition of registration;

c) Lack of authorization for proper use of the building.

After the successful submission of the prior communication with deadline, if there is no opposition from the city council within 10 days or, in the case of the "hostel", 20 days, a document is issued containing the establishment's registration number, which constitutes the valid title of opening to the public.


Required documents

The following documents are required to register prior communication:

- Simple copy of the identification document of the owner of the establishment's operation, if he is a natural person, or indication of the access code to the permanent certificate of the commercial register, if he is a legal person;

- Term of responsibility, signed by the owner of the establishment's operation, ensuring the suitability of the building or its autonomous fraction for the provision of accommodation services and that it respects the applicable legal and regulatory rules;

- Simple copy of the urban property booklet for the property in question, in case the applicant is the owner of the property;

- Simple copy of the lease or other title that legitimizes the owner of the holding to exercise the activity;

- Simple copy of the declaration of initiation or change of activity of the establishment's operating holder for the exercise of the activity of providing accommodation services (corresponding to section I, subclasses 55201 or 55204 of the Portuguese Classification of Economic Activities, Revision 3, approved by Decree -Law nº 381/2007, of November 14, presented to the Tax and Customs Authority (AT));

- Minutes of the joint-owners' meeting, which contains the authorization for installation, in the case of hostels;

- Copy of the Liability Insurance policy for Local Accommodation.


Form Unavailability

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